An Empirical Study about Size-Weight Illusion in Augmented Reality

An Empirical Study about Size-Weight Illusion in Augmented Reality
My Ph.D. research investigates how AR can modify the perceived weight of objects by changing visual features (size, texture, brightness, etc.).
Within these, the most deeply explored phenomenon is the size-weight illusion (SWI): smaller objects are perceived as heavier. Although other researchers have investigated this effect in AR, I plan to fill a gap conducted psychophysical experiments to determine Point of Subjective Equality(PSE) using AR stimuli.
Through AR, researchers can do more powerful experiments, which also become useful as inspiration for other researchers. Moreover, AR also could create implications for humanity such as Superman’s x-ray vision or reconstructed Utopia.
If AR has a chance to turn imagination into reality, measuring perception level would become an essential indicator of how AR integrates into human life.
Directly, Psychologist/Psychophysicist could benefit from our result. They could choose whether to use AR starting their psychophysics experiment. In daily life, ‘feel lighter’ could augment endurance while handling objects.